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张 玉
张 玉
  • 发布时间:2012-04-09 10:27 来源: 浏览量:0

张玉,女,教育经济与管理专业研究生,副研究员。2007年十月至十二月,参加了中国国务院发展研究中心和加拿大女王大学共同举办的比较政策合作研究培训项目,对社会政策的研究分析与比较有了较深的了解. 2006—2011近五年来参加院里,院外12个课题组项目,均为课题主要负责人。参加武汉市社科基金课题一个,参加教育部课题一个;公开发表学术类文章共11篇,译文6篇。在家庭教育方面颇有研究,翻译并编辑家教类通俗读物《哈佛家训》、《哈佛家训II》、《哈佛家训III》,成为许多学校规定学生必读的课外读物,收到十分良好的社会效益。





“武汉与广州、杭州两市社会事业管理体制改革比较研究”, 武汉市发改委课题, 2010年。

“2011—2012年武汉社会形势分析与预测”课题, 2011年





2010年 《武汉市公务员幸福指数研究》发表于社会科学文献出版社2010年《武汉经济社会发展报告》





Zhang Yu, female, postgraduate student of education economy and management, associate research fellow of Wuhan Academy of Social Science. Learned and researched on social policy at  Canadian Queen’s university from Oct. to Nov .in 2007,  which programmed by state council development research center and Queen’s university. Major research focuses on social policy、social phenomenon and social problems and family education. In recent five years , taken charge of 12 projects ,undertaken a project funded by Wuhan social science foundation, participated a project funded by state ministry of education.


  Major research achievements:


Study on happiness index of Wuhan civil servant, project of Wuhan social and scientific fund,2008.

The comparative study on management system reformation of social undertakings between Wuhan and Guangzhou、Hangzhou, project of Wuhan development and reform commission,2010.

2010~2011 Wuhan’s Social Development Analysis and Prediction, main project of Wuhan Academy of Social Science , 2010.

2011~2012 Wuhan’s Social Development Analysis and Prediction, main project of Wuhan Academy of Social Science ,2011.

Study on innovation of Wuhan social construction, project of Wuhan Academy of Social Science , 2011.

《Investigation about the status of emigrants of Wuhan countryside》,《Annual report on economic and social development of Wuhan》,social sciences academic press,2008.

《Clear barrier on the sent road》,《Contemporary worker》,Jan,2007.

《Study on happiness index of civil servant during the harmonious society constructing》,《Yangtze Tribune》1,2010.

《Harvard Family Instruction》, editor and translator, China Women Publishing House,May,2004.

《Harvard Family Instruction I》, editor and translator, China Women Publishing House,Jan,2007.

《Harvard Family Instruction III》, editor and translator ,China Women Publishing House,Sep,2009.

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